Our Environment
MiniStars Childcare is housed in the dynamic UK Centre for Carnival Arts (UKCCA)

Ministars Childcare
Enabling Environments
It is the first centre of its kind dedicated to the professional development of carnival artists in the UK. Our nursery was completed in July 2009 and has environmental sustainability, which was achieved by incorporating hi-tech materials and designs into external and internal fabric of the building design.
MiniStars work in partnership with the UK Centre for Carnival Arts, by mirroring their curriculum activities which includes Music, Visual Arts, Theatre, Multimedia, Dance, Literature, and the Creative Arts.
We provide children with planned opportunities to work with artists, musicians, dancers and other creative professionals, who will encourage them to develop confidence in their own creativity and to learn in new ways.
These practitioners, by acting as role models, work with the children to develop their communication skills to be able to express themselves, be evaluative and be able to comment on their learning.
The children at Mini Stars will develop an idea of self and a love of learning by interacting with differing professionals and experiences.

Children benefit greatly from spending time with adults who are themselves creative. They will learn more effectively when they encounter experiences and resources that stimulate their curiosity. At Ministars we provide opportunities for challenge. Not only do we promote age related activities but stage related activities too.

Open Plan Space
The indoor environment offers a wonderful feeling of space with lots of natural light pouring through the many windows. Our open plan, modern and visually stimulating environment provides opportunities for children to explore and interact with a wide range of resources and equipment .

Outdoor Enrichment
We aim to have as much outside play as possible because we believe physical exercise and fresh air is an important part of a healthy life style, this is also the foundation to our healthy eating policy. The varied activities on offer will provide every opportunity to extend and build on physical, intellectual, linguistic, emotional and social skills, enabling the children in our care to reach their full potential.
“Embedded in our activities is to allow children the time to explore and experiment by playing with high quality resources and equipment”

Through consistent supervision and interaction with the children we ensure that they feel secure enough to try new ways of exploring and by using all of their senses to learn. Children’s creativity develops most productively within a rich learning environment supported by sensitive and responsive adults. An environment that lets them imitate what they see, experiment with ideas and, more importantly, contribute their own ideas, is an environment where they will flourish.
Did you know… Our environment, both in and outside, provides safter, security and care. Areas of play and learning are age and stage appropriate, encouraging children to develop and discover new skills.

Contact us Today to Arrange a Visit and Discover the Magic of Our MiniStars Family